Frequently Asked Questions

I have not visited a dentist for many years.  I know I have some problem teeth that need fixing, but none of them are hurting me. How is the best way to start?

It is often beneficial to get a full picture of what is happening in your mouth before treatment starts. Arrange a check-up appointment with one of our dentists. He/she will conduct a thorough assessment of your mouth and teeth. X-rays may be necessary. You will be fully informed of all the findings, treatment options and costs associated.  Together, your dentist and you can then work out a treatment plan that you will be comfortable with.

I am very nervous about going to the dentist. Do you deal with many nervous patients?

Yes we do and we are very experienced at it.  If you are nervous, it helps to start with a check-up visit to familiarise yourself with the environment of our office and to get to know your dentist before treatment starts. It makes a big difference being comfortable with your dentist.  If you are in pain and think you may need treatment at your first visit, let our reception staff know that you are nervous when making your appointment. We will make sure you are looked after well.

How often should I have a dental check-up?

Most people would benefit from 6-monthly check-ups regardless of whether or not they are experiencing dental symptoms. Dental decay and gum disease often do not cause pain until a later stage. Regular check-ups allow dental problems to be picked up early, making fixing these problems easier and cheaper. Another important reason for regular check-ups is to allow the dentist to screen for soft tissue problems such as pre-cancerous lesions in the mouth.

Do I need to have my teeth cleaned every time I go for a check-up?

For most people, despite daily efforts to keep their teeth clean, some plaque, tartar and staining will still build up. Generally, the longer tartar is left on your teeth, the tougher it is to remove. Having your teeth cleaned professionally on a regular basis makes removing this built up tartar easier.  Therefore, it is beneficial for most to have regular cleans at each check-up.  Please talk to your dentist if you are concerned about having your teeth cleaned.

What is the right age for my child to start having dental check-ups?

In theory, dental check-ups should start as soon as your child has teeth.  Realistically however, around age 3 is a good time to start as most children are now cooperative and can understand verbal instructions well. It is important that you clean your child’s teeth each morning and night from the time the first tooth erupts, and monitor his/her teeth. If you see anything that you are unsure of or are concerned about, bring your child to see one of our dentists regardless of your child’s age.

I have a toothache. What should I do?

Arrange an appointment to see one of our dentists. In the meantime, use an over-the-counter pain-killer such as Nurofen or Panadol for short term pain control. Consult your pharmacist if necessary on the type of pain-killer and the dosage most appropriate for you. Do not place pain-killers (especially aspirin) next to the sore tooth because this may cause soft tissue burns. Your toothache may stop with pain-killers, but you should still see the dentist to find and treat the cause of your problem.

I have broken/chipped a tooth/filling. What should I do?

Call our office to arrange an appointment to see one of our dentists. In the meantime, avoid chewing on this tooth if possible to prevent further breakage. Avoid foods and drinks that cause irritation to the tooth, and use pain-killers if the tooth is causing you constant discomfort. It is important to get the tooth fixed even if it is not hurting you because the sooner it is repaired the less likely that it will cause further problems.

I notice some swelling on my face and I think it is from a bad tooth. What should I do? 

There are many causes for facial swelling, dental infection is one of them. Swelling due to dental infection should be attended to immediately as it can sometimes lead to more serious medical problems. Call our office and let the reception staff know that you have a facial swelling.  You will be placed you on our priority list to see a dentist.  If you cannot see a dentist on the same day, your medical doctor will be able to help control the swelling and pain until your dental appointment.

What should I do with a knocked out tooth?  

If it is a baby tooth, DO NOT replace it back in the socket. For an adult tooth, act quickly. Handle the tooth by the ‘crown’ only (the white part). Do not touch the root. If the tooth is dirty, gently rinse it with milk or saline (such as contact lens solution). If neither is available, use your saliva. Replace the tooth in the socket. If you cannot replace it, keep the tooth in milk or saline in a clean, sealed plastic bag.  Seek dental help immediately regardless.

I know I need to have my teeth attended to but I am worried about the cost. What should I do?

Call our office to arrange a check-up appointment with one of our dentists.  Once your dental situation has been assessed, our dentist will be able to give you an estimate of the costs associated with fixing your dental problems. Please make your dentist aware of your financial concerns. Often, we can work out a priority list and space out treatment sessions to ease financial pressure. Prioritising treatment based on urgency is a good way to do things. 


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9773 4044 


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Mon   8:50 am - 5:30 pm

Tue    8:50 am - 5:30 pm

Wed   8:50 am - 5:30 pm

Thu    8:50 am - 5:30 pm

Fri      8:50 am - 1:00 pm

Sat     By Appointment



Shop 2, Harbour Plaza

21 Thompson Road